Nine golden rules for using positive affirmations successfully.

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Affirmations are positive short sentences you repeat on a regular basis. You use these affirmations to achieve a goal or to change a conviction. Be repeating affirmations on a regular basis, you program your sub consciousness. You will notice you will let go of your fears more easily, that it’s easier to attract prosperity, and that you will think more positively about yourself.

It’s important to regularly repeat the affirmations. Pay special attention to the following issues:

Tips to make an affirmation successful. I’m saying tips, but these are very important issues to let your affirmations succeed and to learn to manifest yourself:

successful affirmations

1 Say the affirmation out loud and say it with love. Sound is an important energy we can work with. So add sound to a thought by saying the affirmation out loud. Because you are placing a wish in the universe, it is important you do this respectfully. Say your words with love and you will be listened to with love.

2 Try to feel what you want to manifest. By feeling what you want to achieve, you greatly empower the affirmation. This isn’t easy, but it’s definitely worth a try. If you feel something that isn’t there yet, it is much closer than if you don’t do it at all. Just try.

3 Visualize that your wish is already achieved. Visualizing is an extremely powerful force when manifesting. So if you say an affirmation, visualize that it’s happening, that it’s already there. Also regardless of the affirmations, it is very helpful to ‘daydream in images’ that your wish is already the truth.

4 Focus on one wish/goal. Nowadays, there are so many choices, making it difficult to focus on just one wish or goal. This is however very important. All the attention will then go to it, and you can focus yourself better and the energy will not be scattered.

5 Write down the affirmation/goal. You can write down your vision or goal, but make sure you do it in the present tense. As if it’s already reality. If you need a new house, write a card to yourself to congratulate yourself with the new house… be creative. Put the affirmations on the fridge, so you will be constantly reminded of them.

6 What you ‘need’ is more important than what you ‘want’. If you want more wealth when you already have a lot, you can wonder if this is the way it’s going to happen. If you ask for more money to just spend it on nice stuff, it probably won’t work. If you ask for money to help poor people, the chance of succeeding is much higher.

7 Believe in what you want to change. If you say an affirmation, but deep inside believe in something else, it will take a long time before you achieve anything. If you for instance wish for prosperity after a life full of disappointments, it can be hard to actually believe in it. So try to let go of these negative feelings.


8 Keep going, don’t give up. Even if it doesn’t work in the beginning and it doesn’t seem to work, keep going and don’t give up. Keep saying your affirmations. Once you start seeing small positive changes, immediately claim your power and accept you were a part of this co creation of this event. It is of course also possible that you’re just not ready for a certain change, and it can take a lot of time because of that. You can then lovingly embrace every small positive change on the path to the real change.

9 Gratitude. Always say thanks for the gifts. Thank the one you identify with, this can be God, the Angels, Ascended Masters, Mother Mary, Vishnu, etc. Doing this is very important, because it keeps the wheel of gratitude and energy spinning.

If you manage to use affirmations and keep in mind the nine golden rules, there is a big chance you will succeed in using this strong spiritual instrument.

Paul Wezenbeek

Spiri-apps, apps for spiritual self-help.

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Back to nature...

We were born to love, not to hate. We are all learning lessons to become more light. The world is getting more and more violent. This will open our hearts in the end although it is difficult to understand.....There will be love in the end, a world full off love. Please be patient and if you can, send already some love into the world. More people will follow you every day!

Paul Wezenbeek

love nature

Are you feeling the awakening?

There is an awakening happening in the hearts ans souls of many people all around the world. You can be excited, full of joy but many feel the opposite as well….Awakening is a process of growing and expanding. This can take a long time but it is going faster and faster. You can feel a wide range of emotions throughout the process and also physical problems occur.

Everybody has blocks that have been created through life experiences. Through the process you are experiencing emotions triggered by blocks and emotions triggered by heart and soul.

In this process it is wise to ask for spiritual help. There are so many angels and lightbeings who want to help us. But we have to ask for this help. The apps from Spiri-apps are a great tool to discover this help from lightbeings and angels. You are very welcome to have a look around on the website I am sure you willl find the help where you are looking for….


Paul Wezenbeek


Spiri-apps, as the name implies, develops apps. Not just any apps, but spiritual apps. Apps for spiritual self-help. There are hundreds of these, but Spiri-apps takes it one step further. Our apps change your life, help you attract prosperity and to let go of your fears. And much more…

The intention is that Spiri-apps helps you on your way with your life processes. Our spiritual apps don’t have fancy sounds and aren’t high-tech, but they actually hand you something. The spiritual applications by Spiri-apps can be used on your smarthphone and/or tablet.

There are four apps available now. Angel App Pro by Spiri-apps helps you with hundreds of common situations. You can call the help of an angel for all of these situations. By example: fulfilling your heart’s desire, attracting happiness in your life, be enthusiastic, support your memory, avoiding accidents, solving problems, energy in case of fatigue and more and more. The help becomes a lot more effective if you directly address the appropriate angel. Each angel has its own field of work and thus deals with specific situations.

 Animals Messages App Pro.Animals can give you messages. It’s interesting to understand these messages. The Animal Messages app by Spiri-apps helps you with this. The Animal Messages app by Spiri-apps describes what the animals stand for, briefly describes what message they can give you, and there are 3 affirmations for each animal that suit the situation. This app contains over 100 animals.

Ascended Masters App Pro helps you when you want to make drastic changes to your life. Are you looking for growth in your life, do you want to let go of fears or do you want to attract prosperity? A risen or ascended master is a spiritual teacher who has gone through one or even more incarnations on earth. They are powerful guides and light beings who can help you understand the meaning of life. And that is exactly what the Ascended Masters app by Spiri-apps helps you with! You will also acome across affirmations in the Ascended Masters app by Spiri-apps.

Positive Affirmations App by Spiri-apps provides you with dozing of useful affirmations. Affirmations are positive short sentences you keep repeating and that help you in daily situations. You use these sentences to achieve a goal or to change a conviction. By regularly repeating an affirmation, you are programming your sub consciousness. The Positive Affirmations app by Spiri-apps perfectly helps you with this.

There is a lot of help around us, but we have to ask for that help. The apps from Spiri-aps show you the way. There is so much happening around us nowadays. We want to change our lifes. We awake and want change....change your life in a positive way.


Equinox, when daytime and night are of approximately equal duration.

This symbolic day of equal day and night, we are once again reminded of the need for balance on our planet. As we integrate the light and shadow aspects within ourselves and others and find the dance between them, we fine tune and harmonize our polarities.

The energy of integration exists in all of nature and reflects to us the give and pull, and the larger harmony inherent  in the apparent chaos.  What ultimately free us and helps us regain our balance, is the opening to the present moment in acceptance of all it holds.

So, stay in your heart, feel your heart and feel and be this beautiful day!

Enjoy it!

Spiri-apps, apps for spiritual self-help


Talking about, thoughts, opinions are all energy. Energy which you send to the universe. The universe creates for you what you desire.....So if you talk a lot about negative items, the universe will bring you negative items.....So be careful what you say and how you act. Acting from the heart is the future and will bring you love and good things.....It is a long road to change your life! You better take the right road......Everybody is living another process...Keep faith!!

Paul Wezenbeek Spiri-apps



First believe in yourself...... First love yourself....Trust the universe........If you love yourself, you are following your heart and love, peace and happiness will be around you. If you send love, you will receive it back. Sometimes you will have to wait for it. Everybody is living another process...

Keep faith!!

be happy


Did you ever try to use affirmations? Do you know you can change your life in a postive way by using affirmations......The Positive Affirmations app by Spiri-apps provides you with dozing of useful affirmations. Some examples: wanting to let go of fears, feeling protected, being able to work efficiently, wanting to live on this planet, daring to set limits, being able to express feelings, wanting to let go of the past, wanting to strengthen psychic observations, wanting to live in unconditional love, starting to believe in yourself, learning to accept your body, lifting karma, learning to say ‘no’, wanting to radiate love, listening to your body, being able to be optimistic, being satisfied, wanting to accept joy, learning to love yourself, starting to experience prosperity, allowing changes in your life, and so on.

Why don`t you give it a try.....

Lots of joy and success!

Paul Wezenbeek

Spiri-apps, apps for spiritual self-help


spiritual apps





Welcome to spiri-apps

Welcome to the Angel App from Spiri-apps. Using this app, I will help you in making more use of the help of angels. Angels are entities of light that want to help us humans. This is their job, but they can not perform their job without being asked to do so. In addition, you'll have to ask the angels for help. This help is lot more effective if you immediately turn to the angel that is specified with your particular situation. All angels have their "own field", so to say. In this way, you are directed to the angel who can help you best with your question, wish of desire. I wish you lots of luck and joy in using this app. 

Spiri-apps, spititual apps

Paul Wezenbeek