Welcome to Spiri-apps

Website for spiritual apps, apps for spiritual self-help

Spiri-apps was founded by Paul Wezenbeek. Paul is from the Netherlands, is 49 years old and finds it important to help people. One of the ways he does this is with the spiritual apps by Spiri-Apps. These apps offer spiritual self-help and sometimes provide you with important guidance in life. They help you to attract prosperity and help you let go of your fears. And much more…

Paul himself experiences thats angels and light being have become an enrichment to his life. He would like to share this enrichment with you. The spiritual apps by Spiri-apps therefore let you experience how angels and light beings can help you.

In addition to angels and light beings, affirmations are also a powerful tool to change certain situations in your life. All of them in a positive way, obviously. This is why affirmations are a common aspect of the spiritual apps by Spiri-apps.

I wish you succes and joy using the apps.

Do you have any questions, or would you like to know more about Spiri-apps? Feel free to contact me.

Greetings and enjoy, Paul Wezenbeek

Spiri-apps, apps for spiritual self-help

Paul Wezenbeek spiri-apps