Spiri-apps: using affirmations

Spiri-apps likes to help you move further in life, and always does this in the most positive possible way. The affirmations that are present in many of our spiritual apps will help you with this. It is an ideal way to use spiritual self-help.

Affirmations are positive short sentences you repeat on a regular basis. You use these affirmations to achieve a goal or to change a conviction. Be repeating affirmations on a regular basis, you program your subconsciousness. You will notice you will let go of your fears more easily, that it’s easier to attract prosperity, and that you will think more positively about yourself.

Saying the affirmations

It’s important to regularly repeat the affirmations. You can decide how often that it. Spiri-apps recommends to do this every day in order to see better results. Pay special attention to the following issues:

-Say an affirmation out loud, with love and conviction

- Try to feel what you want to accomplish with your affirmation

- Focus on a single wish/goal

- Write your affirmation and corresponding goal down

- ‘Needing’ something is more important than ‘wanting’ something

- Believe in the thing you want to change

- Persevere and don’t give up

- Be grateful

Apps by Spiri-apps, apps for spiritual self-help

Spiri-apps has different interesting, spiritual apps that use affirmations. For instance, you can find an elaboration on all the points mentioned above in the Positive Affirmations app. You can also find tons of positive affirmations you can always use in our Animals Messages app and our Ascended Masters app.

Good luck!

Do you have any questions, or would you like to know more about Spiri-apps? Feel free to contact me.

Paul Wezenbeek

Spiri-apps, apps for spiritual self-help